Paving the way for digital transformation

Oliver Schorer speaks to IT Business Magazine in preparation of the Vogel IT Academy’s Enterprise Mobility Summit about digital transformation and how companies can deliver it successfully.

Digitalization is the buzzword of our times. Do you see a correlation between digitalization in general and an increase in mobile working? Can the two ideas feed off each other?

O. Schorer: Today, digitalization is also used to refer to modern workplace arrangements and the ‘mobile workspace’. This means finding the best possible way of using digital technologies to meet the needs of all groups of users. Many employees want the flexibility to be able to work from home or when travelling. And that’s why they want to be involved in designing their own mobile workspaces.

When it comes to mobility in general and (mobile) digital workspaces specifically, what are the advantages for companies of systematically linking the topics of enterprise mobility and (mobile) digital workspaces?

O. Schorer: Flexibility is the keyword here too. At home, employees are used to being able to choose products and order them online. This should be available at work too – if the employee needs a new device, they should be able to order one via a self-service portal. This ensures that procurement processes are completely transparent to managers, while employees have a free choice because a range of end devices are usually offered. Thus, companies can enable users to participate in the digital revolution. IT departments decide which hardware models, services, and apps they wish to offer, and employees have a say in which models and services they get for their next-generation workspace.

With regard to the aspects of digital transformation outlined above, where do you see the technical and organizational challenges?

O. Schorer: End users generally request specific features for their mobile workspace from the IT department. These features are heavily influenced by what they use in their private sphere and are seen as the ‘minimum requirement’. IT departments will therefore have to implement requirements more quickly and efficiently in future. Otherwise, they will quickly end up with the notorious ‘shadow IT’ situation. This can be very risky, not least in terms of data protection and compliance.

What challenges will employees face as their company embarks on its digital transformation? What is the best way to support employees?

O. Schorer: In order to keep up with the competition, businesses must do much more to help their own employees make greater use of new digital technologies. Three in four Germans are still teaching themselves digital skills outside of work. This is why we are taking part in the German government’s D21 initiative. We are helping companies to prepare their workforce for digital transformation by making the latest technology available at a low cost, and for personal use.

What can we look forward to in your keynote speech at the Enterprise Mobility Summit?

O. Schorer: My own experience as a CIO and my extensive experience with client projects will provide interesting insights into the current technological and organizational challenges. What are the technologies and solutions that will ensure that a project is successful? How can mobile working become a factor in the success of digital transformation? I will provide answers to these questions and present solutions. 

Find out more about the Enterprise Mobility Summit 2018

Oliver Schorer has been responsible for IT at CHG-MERIDIAN since 1999, and became the Chief Information Officer (CIO) of the CHG-MERIDIAN Group in 2009. In 2013, Schorer became a member of the expanded Board of Management, and he has since driven forward the addition of new services to the CHG-MERIDIAN portfolio. Schorer has been the member of the CHG-MERIDIAN Board of Management responsible for IT and services since 2017.

Oliver Schorer, Member of the Board of Management, CIO

“Companies are embarking on digital transformation initiatives, but the workforce is teaching itself digital skills in a ‘parallel universe’.
It is up to companies to resolve these conflicting scenarios by offering their employees a suitable mobile workplace, i.e. by making devices, services, and infrastructure available at work and for personal use.”

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