Action needed on the digital workspace

The study proves that digital working on mobile devices is becoming more prevalent and that employees are keen and motivated to work in this way. But companies are not yet enabling them to participate sufficiently in the digital revolution. A lot of potential remains untapped.

Mobile workspace: why it is time for companies to step up

  • In its study for 2017/2018, the digital index – part of the D21 initiative supported by the German federal government – again specifically examined the issue of digital working.
  • Finding: Germans have recognized the significance of digital working on mobile devices and welcome it.
  • Those surveyed believe the potential for their work outweighs the risks. Maintaining a good work-life balance is particularly important to them.
  • Two-thirds of employees make greater use of digital technologies in their private sphere than at work. As many as three in four Germans are still teaching themselves digital skills outside of work.
  • At the moment, the option of working while travelling or at home is only available to a very small proportion (16 percent) of employees (30 percent for those in purely office roles).
  • The smartphone has become established as by far the most popular platform for using digital services.
  • However, only about a fifth of employees have access to an end device provided by their employer.



Oliver Schorer, member of the Board of Management and CIO of CHG-MERIDIAN

“The findings of the digital index again show that the importance of mobile end devices in the context of digitalization continues to grow – both in the private sphere and at work. Many employees have the flexibility to work from home or while travelling and have a say in designing their workplace. Going forward, companies must do much more to help their employees make greater use of digital technologies: The ‘mobile workspace 4.0’ will have to cater to the digital requirements of all groups of users so that companies are not left behind by the competition and can foster their employees’ digital skills.”


CHG-MERIDIAN is a partner of the D21 digital index. The study itself can be downloaded from the website of the D21 initiative (


I am looking forward to talking about D21 digital index with you.

Jessica Behrens

Company Spokesperson